30 June 2010
Embracing the Turquoise
I started to count down to get my butt down to sandy turquoise beaches. I think I am in love with the color. In a week I'll be gone, I'll be in peace and love, the sun will be all over me. I'll put everything high up somewhere for a month. I'll just enjoy the randomness. And I just can't stop counting down to it...
25 June 2010
24 June 2010
The Lollipop Tower
I haven't been writing much. Not like I used to write. I guess there are many things that has put me out of track. But here is one proof: Nice and warm weather (+funfairs on the street). How sun and blue skies makes everything different can be observed here in Dublin. The gloomy and dark posture of the city turns into something fun, something deceiving that you almost love it. Well well, guess what. As I am writing this post, the city is covered with it's long time friend clouds.
Thats no longer a depression reason for me. I am counting days to go and embrace the turquoise. The girl runs to fun, to childhood, to loved ones, to Bruno, to family, to sea and sun and to all the aegean moments with love.
I am not yet leaving you though, I won't go without a notice, won't leave you just like that.
Thats no longer a depression reason for me. I am counting days to go and embrace the turquoise. The girl runs to fun, to childhood, to loved ones, to Bruno, to family, to sea and sun and to all the aegean moments with love.
I am not yet leaving you though, I won't go without a notice, won't leave you just like that.
20 June 2010
Today is My Birthday!
I had an amazing birthday with my loving love, family and friends. Its not been a day but a whole weekend starting from Friday. Its soo good to be loved this much. I am feeling extremely happy to have all these precious people in my life who were with me (if not physically, spiritually). Not much to say, I will enjoy the last couple of hours I have and sleep with the utter most happiness and love.
Thank you Baris the love, thank you guys! You mean the world to me!
14 June 2010
Predictably Irrational

I started to read this book over the weekend. This in basic terms is a non-fictional marketing book. Now you will say agh, go away. But don't. It is an incredibly fascinating book where you can't stop reading. Dan Ariely makes a behavioral marketing appraoch to things and consumption we do in our daily life. To give you a better idea here is the book description:
Why do our headaches persist after taking a one-cent aspirin but disappear when we take a 50-cent aspirin?
Why does recalling the Ten Commandments reduce our tendency to lie, even when we couldn't possibly be caught?
Why do we splurge on a lavish meal but cut coupons to save twenty-five cents on a can of soup?
Why do we go back for second helpings at the unlimited buffet, even when our stomachs are already full?
And how did we ever start spending $4.15 on a cup of coffee when, just a few years ago, we used to pay less than a dollar?
When it comes to making decisions in our lives, we think we're in control. We think we're making smart, rational choices. But are we?
In a series of illuminating, often surprising experiments, MIT behavioral economist Dan Ariely refutes the common assumption that we behave in fundamentally rational ways. Blending everyday experience with groundbreaking research, Ariely explains how expectations, emotions, social norms, and other invisible, seemingly illogical forces skew our reasoning abilities.
Not only do we make astonishingly simple mistakes every day, but we make the same types of mistakes, Ariely discovers. We consistently overpay, underestimate, and procrastinate. We fail to understand the profound effects of our emotions on what we want, and we overvalue what we already own. Yet these misguided behaviors are neither random nor senseless. They're systematic and predictable—making us predictably irrational.
From drinking coffee to losing weight, from buying a car to choosing a romantic partner, Ariely explains how to break through these systematic patterns of thought to make better decisions. Predictably Irrational will change the way we interact with the world--one small decision at a time.
The experiements and researches made to support the facts of the book are very interesting. You actually enjoy reading it. I can't take myself from thinking why wouldn't I have this book to study during my univeristy life (most probably because it wasn't published yet :)
So, I highly recommend you to read this book and you don't really have to have marketing major. It brings a critical perspective on our daily decision one like buying a coffee and see how much we throw things away or make the wrong decision when we think we do the right.
11 June 2010
World Cup Friday
So the World Cup officially starts. Its such a colorful joice to see the supporters both in real and virtual world. I am a bit jealous of all the fans since my country couldn't make it to the tournament this year. What a disappointment... Well I'll support for whomever I feel closer to I guess, and that gives me many teams to support (don't judge me, its my only consolidation :)
Anyway, hope you all enjoy the matches and for those who has no interest in it, at least take a look at it to see how fun and cheerful the celebrations and fans are.
Here are some fun facts about the World Cup:
- Uruguay is the first country to host World Cup finals hosting 13 country which participated by invitation.
- The first World Cup played in 1930. (Uruguay got it)
- As you may already know, the country who has won the cup the most is Brasil.
- The country who has lost most in the finals is Germany.
- Every letter in the alphabet has been used for players surnames who have competed in the Final. True or False? --- True :)
- The highest scoring match is the 1982 World Cup game in which Hungary defeated El Salvador 10-1.
06 June 2010
Stop Looking Forward Now, Enjoy the Now
A whole week passed and I neglected my dear blog. So what goes in my mind nowadays is counting down the days. Counting down the days for my dear friend to come back, for going on to holiday...
The fact is we always (or sometimes) look forward to some things. But what happens then is time passes each time more and more rapidly. Life goes on without noticing, without you enjoying the moment long enough. Then I decide that it is unfair, it is meaningless to live. Don't get me wrong, I am not depressed or anything. I really love my life; just wish we didn't have to let go of the things we like, people we love, moments we enjoy...
After enjoying couple days of summer in Dublin, we are back on the track with clouds and rain. Could be that making me say these; but I have been thinking about this at nights before I go to sleep. Apparently growing up as not fun at all at some point...Should have enjoyed more the times I was younger without any responsibilities (other than school) and any worries about life.
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