About Me

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I am Sirma, a LinkedIn girl who enjoys little colorful tiny bits, summer, my lovely dog Bruno, friends, international politics, baking, social media, handcraft, this and that. In permanent beta & currently having the fun of her life in California :)


29 March 2010


It is funny how human beings get into an expectation. Or shall I say demanding for something. What is an expectation? Hoping your significant other will take out the trash, thinking your best friend will be there when you need to talk, waiting your mom and dad to be loving and careless of what you are, wishing the company you are interviewing with will hire you?

The worst part is the waiting to see the realization of that. Sometimes it happens in that instant, sometimes you have to hopelessly wait for it. But I think, if you believe enough and you think you have done everything to see your expectation happen, it will inevitably happen.

Isn't it good that I still can be positive on the darkest day it could be :)

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