About Me

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I am Sirma, a LinkedIn girl who enjoys little colorful tiny bits, summer, my lovely dog Bruno, friends, international politics, baking, social media, handcraft, this and that. In permanent beta & currently having the fun of her life in California :)


10 March 2010

And the Oscar goes to

As you remember I mentioned on last Friday about Alice in Wonderland being on cinemas. The next day I went to see it. It was just fabulous! I think I can watch it a million more time and been watching the trailers over and over again. I really don't fancy Johny Depp; but won't let you say a word for his acting.

Sunday was a sunny yet a cold day.  But we walked around 5 km and then I attended to a baby shower of a friend. We all gathered and prepared a nice baby basket with everything she may need. Its a girl, so as you guessed right everything we bought was pink:)

Before, I have showed you my pre-engagement cake which will be made by my cousin. Then I found this super cute shop called Mutlu Dukkan and couldn't hold myself and went on ordering 40 cookies :) I'll share couple of my favorites here which in fact are part of my order. This sweet cookies are made by Zeynep who is more sweet than her cookies. She is so friendly and her creations are just amazing.

And of course, there were Oscars. I actually sat till 5:30 in the morning and watched the whole thing. I have to admit that I am a bit disappointed my how little Avatar got. Hurt Locker was a really good movie, the theme was really affective. I think even in that movie some credit to go for James Cameron since Kathryn Bigelow is his ex-wife. I was happy for Sandra Bullock, although didn't give her much chance among Meryl Streep and Helen Mirren. So much for the criticism... I shouldn't forget about the red carpet. My favorite dress was Sarah Jessica Parker's Chanel Haute Couture. It was really elegant and was showing itself off.

Tomorrow I'll be doing some baking myself; and hoping to share the photos with you. There; it was all you have missed :)

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